What is it ?

In reaction to the state repression that is hitting our comrades since the antispeciesist movement shows up more offensive, activists against all forms of domination decided to create the first committee of support to all activists within the antispeciesist fight.

Antispeciesism is a fight againt speciesm which is a systemic oppression that discriminates a person according to her or his specie.

Police searches, custodies, detentions, police using violence, judicial reviews and trials: let’s denounce the repression!

Since 2018, offensive direct action and autonomous actions have been multiplied, anonymous activists decided to tackle the speciesist economic system (butchers, fishmongers, creameries, restaurants, slaughterhouses…) by (re)using ways of action as sabotage.

After that :

  • In mid-September 2018, 6 activists from Lille (France) suspected of participating in window-smashing actions were searched and subjected to up to 48 hours of police custody. Two were under judicial supervision until May 2. The trial (again) postponed to November 14, 2019, will also judge two other activists from different cases.
  • Early December, 3 swiss activists, suspected of sabotage, are or have been detained at the prison of Champ-Dollon (Switzerland). Matthias is still in jail.
  • Mid-January, 8 activists from Paris region suspected of having put fire a slaughterhouse. They have been placed in custody until 96 hours. The date of the trial is not defined; they are under a strong judicial supervision.
  • Early February, 4 activists from the North of France suspected of sabotage towards speciesists shops and restaurants have been searched and then placed in custody… 2 of them were under judicial supervision while the other 2 were remanded in custody. The latter two were sentenced to 18 and 15 months’ imprisonment (including 8 and 9 months’ suspended sentence) with three years’ probation. The other 2, 6 months of suspended prison each. On May 9, 2019, we will know whether and how firm prison sentences are manageable. They also have a fine of several tens of thousands of euros, we will know on 4 December 2019 the amount of damages.

Click here for a more complete summary: csaa.noblogs.org/repression

The state’s and lobbies’ tenacity to silence us and to prevent us from acting is fatal for people victims of speciesism.

Support to activists who act directly and offensively: The committee is a moral and financial support.

Antispeciesism is a fight for the consideration of life interests for individuals belonging to other animal species. We don’t want reforms; we don’t want others animals to be born, confined or killed in “better conditions”. All we want is the others animals to be able to live their lives freely and we want the destruction of the speciesist system which is the source of others inequalities.

Whereas since decades legal actions for animals right have been multiplied, none significant measures have been taken for them. Their status is still considered same as a property.

The Committee of Support to Antispeciests Activists invite to keep acting in co-resistance with the victims of speciesism and to be united against the repression. Also, it aims at building a linkage through the walls of jail, and claims against all the prisons.

By organizing stands, supportive canteens, parties, workshops and by inviting to attend the trials and write letters to the activists in detention, the committee assists the activists facing repression.

To follow the news of the CSAA :

  • Internet site: csaa.noblogs.org
  • Facebook page: CSAA-Comité de Soutien aux Activistes Antispécistes

To get in touch: comite2soutien-antispe [at] protonmail.com

Link of the pot: cotizup.com/antispeciste